Do This

“Do This”
One thing is perfectly clear, once you see it.
Your salvation - anyone’s salvation - is solely and completely dependent on the completed work of Jesus Christ as he died and rose again.
He is the all-atoning sacrifice. He is the life. He is your Savior.
So when Jesus tells you to do something, the one thing it can’t be is a recipe for salvation.
Jesus is your salvation. He isn’t going to tell you to do something so that you can have salvation. He wouldn’t undo himself just to have you… what… do it better?
No. Salvation is complete in Him. Done deal. Jesus Christ alone is your salvation.
And as your salvation, he tells you to do something.
“Do this…”, he says.
OK, do what?
Jesus is talking about participating in the most awesome recurring event of your entire life… of anyone’s life.
Zooming all the way in, Jesus is talking about your participation in “The Lord’s Supper”, “Holy Communion”, or “The Sacrament of the Altar”... it goes by all of these names.
“Do this” means, “gather around My Word and My Sacrament with My Church.”
God’s Answer to the World’s Problems
Zooming out a little, we can see that Holy Communion is our Lord’s answer to the world’s problems.
Oversimplifying on purpose, we would say that the root cause of all world problems is sin. Yes, it is an oversimplification, but it’s also true.
And Jesus’ answer to sin is to die and rise again as a sacrificial substitute for every sinner.
Practically speaking, we must deal with the world’s problems: feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and care for the widow, orphan, and prisoner. All that sort of thing.
Your participation in Holy Communion is intended precisely so that you will be motivated to do that.
By strengthening our faith, Communion makes us practical ministers of justice in the world God so loves.
In this way, Jesus’ command, “Do this”, unlocks the door to solving world problems.
God’s Answer to Your Problems
Your participation in Holy Communion also unlocks the door to solving your problems.
Again, it is an oversimplification. Holy Communion doesn’t “help pay the bills”, for instance.
It doesn’t solve your problems that way.
It solves your deepest problem… the one that has no other solution.
By “Doing this…”, you receive divine reconciliation for your sin-blemished past.
You receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ in, with, and under ordinary bread and wine. In other words, when you eat this bread and drink this wine, you are the recipient of this body and this blood that suffered and died for you.
“Do this” and you get Jesus… you get all Jesus has done for you.
Once again, there will be all kinds of practical things that God puts in front of us to more specifically deal with the nitty gritty of our problems.
We devote ourselves to meaningful jobs. We invest in relationships. We heed good counsel. We eat well, sleep properly, and generally treat ourselves as the "temple of the Holy Spirit."
Communion doesn't magically make problems go away. It deals with the main problem that can't "go away" any other way than by God's grace.
And with that cosmic burden lifted, God liberates all your personal resources to deal with the rest of your burdens - the ones you can do something about.
This sounds like a profound mystery, and it is.
It is profound, mysterious, and wonderful… as wonderful as the mercy of God.
It is the mercy of God… for you.
A Glimpse Into Your Future
But there’s more.
“This” sacred, holy, and perfect gift we’ve been told to “do” addresses the world’s problems and our personal problems. So far, so good.
It also points us to our bright tomorrow.
“Do this”, says Jesus, sharing a communion that beautifully suggests the eternal bliss that awaits us.
The suggestion is unmistakable. Jesus calls it a “new covenant”.
A covenant is a promise that awaits its fulfillment.
The old covenant received its fulfillment in the cross - body and blood.
It took centuries during which God repeatedly encouraged his people to "wait" - and God delivered.
The new covenant will receive its fulfillment when Jesus Christ physically returns - body and blood.
Then, that which is but a foretaste will finally see its perfected form: eternal communion with Jesus Christ.
And as always, we are told to "wait" for it.
While we wait, we have this amazing, recurring, and divine gift which empowers us to be as productive - for God's sake - as possible.
Profound, beautiful, merciful, hopeful, practical, and mysterious…
What else would you expect from something given by God to address something so monumental as the eternal existence of the whole world?
If it were simplistic, it would make no sense at all.

Do This
Do you want to better understand how God employs something as seemingly simple as a bite of bread and a sip of wine to address your soul’s deepest needs? Let’s talk.
If you are someone who already knows all about this but has been on a “leave of absence”... remember that Communion is always perfectly designed for your participation.
Do this… again… soon.
And if you know someone with whom you’d like to share the joy you’ve found in The Lord’s Supper, share this article with them and ask them what they think!
Closing Prayer
I confess that I have sinned against you, O God. Some of my sin I know, but some is known only to you. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask forgiveness. Deliver and restore me, that I may rest in peace. And give me faith to receive your gifts exactly as you have given them. Amen.