Dependence Day

Be subject
I would have been on the wrong side of history.
It was December 16, 1773.
In May of the same year, the British Parliament had enacted a policy that allowed the East India Company to sell its tea in the colonies duty-free, meaning its prices would undercut the competition. This was done so that the Crown could collect more tax revenue.
It was a classic government-endorsed corporate bailout. The kind we Americans can’t stand.
The Dartmouth was the first of several East India merchant ships to arrive in Boston beginning November 28th. They had 20 days to offload.
There would be an offloading alright. An offloading for the ages!
Remembered as The Boston Tea Party, 342 crates of tea were dumped into Griffin's Wharf on December 16th, and I would not have approved.
Like I said, I would have been on the wrong side of history.
In fact, based on my understanding of 1 Peter 2, I would have opposed the entire American Revolution.
At least I hope so.
Anti-American? Or Pro-Scripture?
Now before you write me off as anti-American, know that my position has nothing to do with America or England. It has to do with what Scripture teaches us concerning citizenship.
“Be in subjugation (‘be subject’) to your ruling authorities.”
That's what Scripture says. Be subject to just as well as unjust rulers.
The Boston Tea Party was definitely NOT an act of subjugation.
Keep in mind that Peter is writing during the time when his Christian audience was under the corrupt rule of an evil and persecutory and MURDEROUS Roman Caesar.
The stakes were A LOT higher in Peter’s day than “taxation without representation”.
Nero was a tyrant who wanted the Christian Church to cease to exist.
So from that perspective, Peter was a lot more controversial than I am.
Peter was on the wrong side of history too.
Independence? Or Subjection?
Today, as a citizen of the USA, I place myself in subjugation to a President, a Congress, and a Court System that I often disagree with. Don't even get me started.
In other words, “being on the right (or wrong) side of history” is not how God calls us to measure our public posture.
Can you imagine what Peter's audience must have thought when they opened his letter telling them to subject themselves to the Roman Caesar? Madness!
But that is the closest thing we have to a Biblical definition of “good citizenship”. We are to honor our public servants with our prayers and our obedience.
This is an increasingly annoying Biblical doctrine in our country.
Many of our public leaders and institutions seem to have drifted toward the extreme ends of the political spectrum, making it more and more difficult for an electorate to “be subject” with anything resembling the “honor, love, fear, and respect” called for by Peter (under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit!)
In other words, it might be difficult, but it’s God’s will.
Independence At Its Best
In the end, I’m thankful to be living in the USA instead of a colony of the British Crown. God did not confront me with the difficult decision whether or not to support the Boston Tea Party.
And I am particularly thankful, in this election year, to have the right and privilege to vote. Again, don’t get me started.
But let’s all remember what Independence Day is all about.
Independence Day is a day of thanksgiving for National Independence.
Regardless of whether or not the American Revolution was justifiable by Scripture, it happened.
We have inherited a nation that has been bought several times over with the blood of courageous men and women whose sacrifices we honor.
God Bless the USA.
But please do not confuse national independence with personal independence.
You, dear Christian, are dependent… independent as a nation, dependent as a citizen.
I know it’s a message most red-blooded Americans don’t like to hear, but it’s the message of the Bible.
As a citizen, you are dependent on the rulers and institutions God has put into place. Honor and respect those rulers and institutions with your prayers. And if that leaves a bad taste in your mouth, vote them out.
But don’t forsake your Christian faith by trading in Biblical citizenship for nasty partisan politics!

True Dependence
At the end of the day, you are subject to God.
God is a king. He is a Sovereign. His kingdom is not a democracy, nor a republic, nor is He an elected leader.
He… get this.. has elected us.
But your citizenship in God’s kingdom bears almost no similarity with your citizenship in America. God decrees, you obey.
He didn’t even need to earn the right to His throne.
So the fact that He sent Jesus to suffer and die, atoning for our rebellious lives, is a profound expression of His love and mercy towards us, his subjects.
So be careful. When you come up against hard sayings in the Bible… when a text like 1 Peter 2 rolls around and your first instinct is to hurl it overboard…
Don’t turn your Bible into a Boston Tea Party, discarding every verse that seems to offend you.
Subject yourself to every word on every page, because that is where you have found eternal life, that is where you find good citizenship, and that is where your gracious King speaks.
Want to Talk?
The Bible definitely has some easy-to-understand passages and some hard-to-understand passages. If you, or someone you know, is having difficulty with the Bible, it’s usually a good idea to try to work things out together with someone else who enjoys the struggle.
You can connect with me using the links below.
And Happy Fourth of July!
Closing Prayer
Lord, You have established your throne in our hearts, and made the church a visible expression of your Kingdom on earth. With thankful hearts we subject ourselves to your rule. Help us also, as your subjects, to express our earthly citizenship with the same love and mercy that you have shown us. Thank you for our country, our leaders, and our freedoms. Amen.