What can I expect?
Our worship services are at 8:30am and 10:45am.
Bible Class and Sunday School will meet in between services at 9:45am.
Good Shepherd is located close to Gainesville Square and Northeast Georgia Hospital at:
600 South Enota Drive Gainesville, GA 30501
There are parking spaces in the back and front of the building. If you need transportation to church, we recommend using Gainesville's rideshare program WeGo. This rideshare program is available to all residents of Hall County.
What are worship services like?
Sunday service is usually just over 60 minutes. We encourage you to grab a bulletin (large or small print) as you walk inside to help you follow along with the order of service.
Singing is led by organ and piano, hymns are mostly traditional and relate to each Sunday's theme. Sometimes our Choir will sing. Everyone in attendance is encouraged to participate in singing along as the Spirit moves. Our services follow a liturgical framework which changes subtly several times throughout the year.
Some of us dress casually, others wear their "Sunday best". Come dressed however you feel most comfortable.
The message is roughly 25 minutes in length. Based on Biblical truths and always pointing to Jesus, Pastor Sparling's messages are known for making spiritual truths simple and understandable. Each message will help you see what God is doing in your life and in the world around you. At Good Shepherd, our messages are meaningful and inspiring.
Church Culture
Sundays at Good Shepherd are traditional and friendly. Come as you are and expect to feel welcomed as our guest. The pastor would be delighted to meet you either before or after the service. If you have any special needs, let us know.
What about my kids?
We welcome people of all ages, and encourage you to sit with your children as a family during services.
We also understand that there are some days when kids just won't sit still, so we have a nursery room available with a live feed of the worship service.
The nursery room is located in the children's hallway close to the church office, our ushers can show you the way.

What else should i expect?
Bible Class
Our pastor teaches from the Bible for approximately 50 minutes, from 9:45-10:35. He always ends class on time. All questions, comments, concerns, and opinions are invited.
There are offering plates near the entrance of our sanctuary where anyone who desires to support our ministry may place their offerings. There is no pressure on anyone to give.
Our fellowship team organizes snacks and beverages which are served near the entrance to our Fellowship Hall. These are available as soon as the worship service has ended, and are available for all.

Give us a call at 770-532-2428